Russ Rogg AP. OMD.
Dr. Russell Rogg is a Florida State licensed Acupuncture Physician and Oriental Medical Doctor. He has practiced in the South Florida Area for over 30 years.
Dr. Rogg spent time studying Oriental Medicine in Beijing, China.
Dr. Rogg has been certified in Acu-point Injection Therapy since 2002.
Dr. Russ Rogg has studied and mastered C.R.A. (Contact Reflex Analysis) which is a simple way to locate the root cause of your pain or sickness.

Dr. Rogg is also the Master and Founder of the Shendo Goju Ryu Organization. He holds a 10th Degree Black Belt in the Martial Arts, and teaches Tai Chi to his students and patients for health and self-defense. To join his class or for private self defense classes please call.
305-251-4325 ask to speak with Dr. Rogg.